Remote Week #3, Class Week #7

  1. What have you learned about PHP and server side programming that you were not aware of prior to this week?
  2. What do you want to know more about PHP and server side programming?
  3. How has learning PHP been? What are some similarities and differences you can see with JS?
  4. What if you had started with PHP instead of JS?
  5. Are there any exercises you think would be improved if you refactored them to PHP from JS? Do you plan to?
  6. Find one library, framework, NPM package, and/or external web API you think you might want use for your final project.

Remote Week #2, Class Week #6

  1. What do you like about React?/li>
  2. What are you struggling with the most about React?
  3. How has React caused you to rethink your existing projects?
  4. What is your biggest win this week? Halfway through!
  5. Compared to week three, what are three ideas you might want to do for your final project? Are they the same, or have they changed now that you understand more about the technology and your limitations?/li>

Remote Week #1, Class Week #5

  1. Why are CLIs scary?/li>
  2. What have you learned about CLIs?
  3. Would you build a CLI? What would it do?/li>
  4. List a some ideas that without a Framework, would take you a long time to code/li>
  5. How do you feel now (week 5) compared to when you started?/li>
  6. What questions haven't you answered on your blog page yet (scroll up and answer them to catch up)?

On-Site Week #4

  1. Why do you see JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries useful or hard to use?/li>
  2. What Frameworks or Libraries are you interested in learning more about?/li>
  3. Find one emerging JavaScript tool that you would like to learn more about or use in your final project.

On-Site Week #3

  1. What are three ideas you might want to do for your final project? I'm not sure yet, I've been thinking very hard on this.
  2. Do you see JavaScript useful or hard to use? Useful BUT after starting to learn react, I'm starting to believe differently.
  3. Aspects about JavaScript are you interested in learning more about? There is so much more for me to learn. I love the power of arrays and I love learning more about them and how to use them, especially nested arrays.

On-Site Week #2

  1. What did you learn about that helped you understand the development process? MVC & still pseudocode. How important it is to consider the model, view, and controller. You have to take into consideration how everything works together, where it fits into the big picture and then pseudocode, pseudocode, and pseudocode. When you think you are done....pseudocode some more!
  2. What does it mean to develop good code? Good code is concise, ease to read, and gets the job done in the least amount of steps possible.
  3. What does it mean to be a good developer? Wow, that's a learning process for me. It means you take into consideration what the end user needs but you have to make sure that it is feasible, that it looks good, it's easy for the "audience to read," and it functions the way it needs to.
  4. What is one thing that programmers hate doing? Is this a trick question? I'm sure if you asked 100 developers, you'd get 100 answers and I'm not sure I am even in a place to answer that for myself yet. I'd probably have to say, rewriting code because I didn't pseudocode enough.

On-Site Week #1

  1. What did you learn about that helped you understand more about design? ......Everything!!! Bootstrap has helped me understand a lot about design. How things are arranged, grouped together to work more efficiently.
  2. What do you want to continue learning about that helps you understand design better? Read, read, read! Play, play, play!
  3. What Design aspects are important to you as a user and as a developer? As a user, accessing the information I need quickly and in the most visually pleasing way is most important. As a developer, it is giving the client the design they want that gives the user the experience they want.
  4. What is the number one thing that held you back this week? Why? Once again, I over complicate things. I seem to think things shouldn't be simple, however, I am learning most times, things are a lot more simple than I am making them.
  5. What is one thing you would like to get better at in bootcamp? Efficiency, hands down!

Pre-Work Week #4

  1. What was one thing you liked and disliked about each of the new topics covered in pre-work?
  2. What was helpful? Justin, Ian, the documentation provided, Eloquent JavaScript, my classmates / the help channel, and good old fashioned, "don't give up!"
  3. What hindered your progress? Hands down, myself. I have a tendency to overcomplicate things.
  4. How did you overcome challenges? I worked and worked and worked, and when that didn't help, I reached out to both my classmates and to Justin and Ian.

Pre-Work Week #3

  1. What are your thoughts about the roles HTML, CSS, and JavaScript play in the process of rendering content and providing user experience? I can easily see how they all work together, to make pages run smoother, look better, and do amazing things in the background. I am still completely and totally overwhelmed with javascript. There is SO much to learn, so much to take in, to not just remember but to dissect and understand what each piece does. I find myself constantly looking back at the documentation, trying to understand, bit by bit, how each piece fits together to work.
  2. What are some objects that your blog incorporates? I wanted to ask someone that enters my blog, "What is the weather like?" and when they clicked a button it would display a picture of that type of weather. I am SO EXCITED that I got it to work. I still need to do some work on it. I did it in separate functions and I KNOW it should be done in an array, however, I am really pleased that my idea worked out!!!

Pre-Work Week #2

  1. What are your thoughts on pseudo coding? Pseudo coding makes logical sense to me. You have to know your destination before you can begin your journey. To me, it's a road map to your code, which makes coding easier.
  2. What are you struggling with? I'm still struggling with myself and information overload.
  3. What are you excited or eager to learn more about?Week #1 Looking back on this week seems to be a blur of information. I'm somewhere between feeling like I have an overload of terms to remember and knowing that I've learning nothing near what I will in the coming weeks! I think I'm going to need to dust off my mental filing cabinet so it has more room for terminology and new ideas. I'm genuinely excited to move forward and see what the next few weeks have to offer.

Pre-Work Week #1

  1. Was your first week what you expected? I went into this with an open mind and no clear expectations except to learn, and I'm certainly doing that!
  2. What are you struggling with? Being overwhelmed with information!!!
  3. What are you excited or eager to learn more about? At this point, I don't even know what I don't know, so I'm excited to learn everything.

I have found my own fear to be my biggest obstacle this week. To paraphrase the quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt, I sincerely feel, "I have nothing to fear but fear itself." I seemed to have a smoother time of things when I just embraced the lessons and made sure I didn't stand in my own way!